Zero Energy

Definition of Zero Energy Building

Buildings whose energy consumption is ultimately net zero by summing the energy consumed by buildings and the amount of new and renewable energy generated by buildings. A building that minimizes the amount of energy that flows out through the exterior of the building by applying insulation, double glazing, etc. and utilizes renewable energy such as geothermal heat or sunlight to solve all energy consumption from heating, cooling and power supply.

Zero Energy Building to Zero Energy Town

Related policies

  • Mandatory Zero Energy Building (public buildings by 2020, private buildings by 2025)
  • Achieve 20% of renewable energy generation by 2030
  • By 2020, nationwide requirement for ESS installation of public institutions and intelligent metering system

What We Do

  • Development of Zero Energy International Standard (ISO TC301)
  • Zero Energy Building Recycling Facility Recognition Plan
  • Development of new/renewable and zero energy combined city performance evaluation program
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